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Backrooms - Overflow is a short film and the seventeenth video in Kane Pixels' Backrooms series and first in chronological order. It also reveals the possible start date of the expirement, being 1972.
The video begins with aerial views of different environments, one of the night sky, one viewing at a city, and one of a water tower. A voice over starts talking about increasing co-operation and settling differences between the United States with the Soviet Union. While the voice-over is talking, a meter is shown with its arrow going clockwise, it then cuts to a General Electric advertisment with the headline "FREE SPEECH!" At which point the voice over audio distorts and cuts off.
Multiple lights are shown through holes in the wall, eventually the holes break and light consumes the whole screen. A circular red light labeled "OVERLOAD" stars blinking, and soon stays a solid red. Right after is shows a room with a bulletin board with multiple green lights flashing in the room, it zooms into a piece of paper on the board, showing the paper signed by Ivan Beck on August 2, 1972. The final scene shows the night sky again, with a part of it mirrored.