Kane Pixels Backrooms Wiki

The Cameraman is a member and researcher of the Async Research Institute, he first appeared in Missing Persons.


in Missing Persons, he, along with three other members dressed in yellow hazmat suits, seem to be exploring a previously discovered area of the Backrooms. However, they find something sitting on the ground in the distance. As the researchers approach the unidentified object, it becomes clear that it is a corpse that looks similar to Nicolas Bolton. The crew remarks that this body was not there during previous explorations of the area, and note some type of black substance around the remains. The Cameraman remarks that it seems to be an organic matter, and suggests that it is some type of fungus.


  • Who he is portrayed by is currently unknown.
  • The only time he's shown is when the cameras pointed down.


Kane Pixels' Backrooms
Important Main Page - All Pages - The Backrooms Series - Kane Pixels
Videos _recording014 - 9780415263573 - Autopsy Report - Damage Control - faultline.mov - First Contact - Found Footage - Found Footage 2 - Found Footage 3 - home_27647.mov - I Remember - Informational Video - Mar11_90_ARCHIVE.tar - Missing Persons - Motion Detected - Lighting and Tile Survey - Overflow - Pitfalls - Presentation - Prototype - Report - Reunion - Simpsons - The Third Test
Organizations Async Research Institute - Department of Energy
Characters Anthony Dawkins - Bacteria - Cameraman - Clyde - Ellis White - Found Footage 2 Protagonist - George Levy - Still Life - Ivan Beck - James Watkins - James Esmail - Janice Scott - Julia Meisner - Kane - Kim - Kirk Maxwell - Margaret Watson - Mark Blume - Marvin Leigh - Matesse Aaron - Miller - Nicolas Bolton - Laura Harris - Peter Tench - Phillip Heymann - Randall Tachi - Ravi - Ronald McCarthy - Ronald Reagan - Ted Koppel - Tony Russomano - Unnamed Construction Worker - Unnamed Doctor - Unnamed Film Actor 1 - Unnamed Film Actor 2 - Unnamed Sound Manager - Unnamed Man - The Driver - Unnamed Scientist - Unnamed Scientist (Motion Detected) - Unnamed Scientist (Damage Control) - Unidentified Character
Locations/Places Async Research Facility - The Complex - Null Zones - Observation Room - Room 14D - The Hillside - The Threshold - Speaker Room - Red City
Things Green Glow - Keycard - The Vehicle
Events Loma Prieta Earthquake - Timeline
Music Backrooms OST
Extras Recording014/Transcript - The Backrooms (Found Footage)/Transcript - The Backrooms (disambiguation)
Non-Backrooms The Oldest View - Renewal - Beneath The Earth - The Rolling Giant - Life of a Giant - Dispersal - The Remains of Valley View Mall (Post-Demolition) - Valley View Centre - The Rolling Giant (creature) - Wyatt - Julien Reverchon - Kevin Obregón - Scott Beck