Kane Pixels Backrooms Wiki

The video begins with a blue screen with "SP" at the bottom left. Suddenly, the word "PLAY" appears on the top left, and a video begins playing.

Director: Sound? Camera?

A movie clapper is shown, with the following information (some parts are not filled out):

SCENE: 7A; TAKE: 4; DIRECTOR: [unintelligible]; CAMERA: Kane Pints

Kane Pints: Rolling.

Director: All right. And...action!

Kane films a scene of an amateur movie, showing a man in a gorilla mask scaring a man in a hat.

Director: Alright, cut! Cut! That was good. That was good, guys. Alright, uh, that was good. I'm thinking we get a wide angle and then we are done. Alright?

Kane Pints: Yeah, cool. Like, how much further? Like...

Director: Uh, a little more, little more.

Kane Pints: Like that?

Director: Yeah, yes.

Kane Pints: Woah!

Suddenly, Kane phases through the ground, falling into the Backrooms. The title screen is shown:



Kane Pints: Hello? Hello?

Kane Pints: Hey, guys?

Kane Pints: What is this?

Kane turns around, seeing something duck around the corner, out of sight.

Kane Pints: Hello? Is someone there?

Then Kane turns back to continue to lead straight again.

Kane Pints: Woah…

Kane Pints: What the hell?

Kane Pints: Can anybody hear me? Hello?

Kane Pints: Godammit.

Kane sees arrows written from the walls and felt right into a trap.

Kane Pints: Okay, okay.

Kane Pints: What the hell?

Kane Pints: What the hell?

Kane pauses in front of several drawings scratched/drawn into the wall. Among them are: "I'M STILL ME," "IT'S HERE IT HEARS," "God closed His eyes," and "DONT MoVE StAY Still."

Kane Pints: Don't move, stay...

Suddenly, a monster behind him screams, and begins chasing him. After a long chase, Kane narrowly escapes by jumping down a pit. He keeps exploring.

Kane Pints: Holy shit...what the fuck is this place?

Kane finds a Waste Management dumpster, with graffiti that appears to say "DSKUSPR5.115" written on it. He keeps moving.

Kane Pints: Holy...what the fuck? What the fuck?

Kane Pints: This isn't real. This isn't real. This...this isn't real.

Kane eventually goes through a door marked "Fire exit - Keep clear." He goes through it, and finds himself back in the yellow-wallpapered area where he started.

Kane Pints: You gotta be kidding me.

Suddenly, a chair is thrown around a corner very fast, causing Kane to run. The creature's screams can be heard elsewhere.

Kane: Holy shit.

Kane escapes by going into a darkened room, which the creature passes. He is about to jump down a pit to escape when the creature sneakily walks up to him silently to catch him and presumably kills him. He drops the camera, which falls to the pit floor leaving behind with Kane and the camera vanishes statically to black which takes it back to the Earth. The camera has been teleported to the sky falling and lands on the backyard while his camera is still recording. And the video ends.
